Marijuana Use Reaches Record Levels Among College Students. Marijuana use among U.S. college students reached a historic high in 2020, while alcohol use took a "significant" drop, according to the 2020 Monitoring the Future panel study.

The uptick represents the highest levels of marijuana use recorded since the 1980s. The survey found daily marijuana use -- defined as using it on 20 or more occasions in the past 30 days -- increased to 7.9 percent in 2020 among 19- to 22-year-old full-time college students. That's an increase of 3.3 percentage points over the past five years.

This is reflecting more an more in academic outcomes of Colleges students.

This, of course, is no arbitrary anomaly, it is a direct consequence of the relentless pro-cannabis push that began when NORML announced there unabashed agenda to see recreational cannabis use be normalized via the faux ‘medicinal’ backdoor.

After a disturbing rise in ‘Weed’ use in the 1970’s and a subsequently effective Demand Reduction push, cannabis use was declining consistently, until the new ‘medicinal’ strategy was put in play. (see charts below)

The cognitive dissonance this created in the minds of the impressionable young, and the validation of many ‘grown ups’ wanting another addiction for profit substance embedded into the currents of trade, cannabis use has been steadily increasing to the point now where in the United States it is now eclipsing previous use – and all this with a more potent product that is continuing to undermine the potential, productivity and the future of an entire emerging generation.


MarijuanaUseUSA1971 2011

Also see…

It is important that all policy makers and protectors of public health understand unequivocally that, permission is still the most effective pot promulgator going, and the addiction for profit cannabis industry knows it. The potential, productivity and prospects of Generation Now need to be protected and proactively promoted, not undermined by poor policies.

Communication Team - Dalgarno Institute