Dalgarno AOD Policy Position

Ambulance AOD STATS 
Interactive Data Site

Introduction: Welcome to AODstats, the Victorian alcohol and drug interactive statistics and mapping webpage. 
AODstats provides information on the harms related to alcohol, illicit and pharmaceutical drug use in Victoria.

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Does the drug policy interpretation and implementation, reduce, remediate or facilitate recovery from substance use, or does it endorse, enable, equip or empower continuing drug use? Drug USE, the very thing that causes #harm.

Every 'permission model' harnessed by pro-drug actors to further entrench the normalisation of drug use is only ADDING to potential harms. 

The continuing misuse of important #harmreduction strategies that tacitly endorse and enable #drug use is an active undermining of the first and highest priority pillars of the National Drug Strategy – Demand and Supply Reduction. 

It is staggeringly hypocritical to state that we must prioritise the reduction of both demand and supply of drug use, then release yet another publicly endorsed vehicle to spit in the face of both these vital prevention vehicles. #DemandReduction #preventdontnpromote drug use. 

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