Dalgarno AOD Policy Position

Ambulance AOD STATS 
Interactive Data Site

Introduction: Welcome to AODstats, the Victorian alcohol and drug interactive statistics and mapping webpage. 
AODstats provides information on the harms related to alcohol, illicit and pharmaceutical drug use in Victoria.

For more details 
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Parental substance use sends shockwaves through the lives of children, shattering their sense of safety, disrupting their development, and undermining their most basic rights. It fuels a chain reaction of vulnerability, entrenching cycles of trauma, poverty, and instability that rob children of the innocence and security they deserve. With every statistic lies the story of a child navigating fractured families, bearing invisible burdens, and longing for solace.

This urgent crisis demands unwavering focus, innovative solutions, and a collective commitment to protect and restore the futures of the youngest and most vulnerable among us.

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