Abstract (Excerpt): As global interest in the therapeutic potential of cannabis and its’ derivatives for the management of selected diseases increases, it is increasingly imperative that the toxic profile of cannabinoids be thoroughly understood in order to correctly assess the balance between the therapeutic risks and benefits. Modern studies across a number of jurisdictions, including Canada, Australia, the US and Europe have confirmed that some of the most worrying and severe historical reports of both congenital anomalies and cancer induction following cannabis exposure actually underestimate the multisystem thousand megabase-scale transgenerational genetic damage. These findings from teratogenic and carcinogenic literature are supported by recent data showing the accelerated patterns of chronic disease and the advanced DNA methylation epigenomic clock age in cannabis exposed patients. Together, the increased multisystem carcinogenesis, teratogenesis and accelerated aging point strongly to cannabinoid-related genotoxicity being much more clinically significant than it is widely supposed and, thus, of very considerable public health and multigenerational impact.
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