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Cannabis as Medicine? Overview

It is utterly mind-blowing that people have no idea that Cannabis has been part of the medical prescription landscape for over 20 years. That’s right T. G. A (Therapeutic Goods Administration) trialled and approved cannabis based medicines have been available as an option to alleviate, if only in small ways, some of the symptoms of a couple of diseases or help with recovery from treatment. However, the claims of this plant being a ‘miracle cure’ for just about everything, have existed for of 100 years… yet in no credible and advanced research has any of the properties of the Cannabis plant ‘cured’ anything, ever!

There is no argument that some components of this incredibly complex plant can have some therapeutic benefit, be it ever so small, but deriving such from the plant with out co-opting some of the more detrimental components has proven incredibly difficult. On top of that, the evidence emerging from latest science, sees that some of these therapies, do more harm than good, with the temporary alleviating of a symptom on one hand, and incurring along term genetic harm on the other!

Again if facts and evidence matter to your best-practice health care, then this is the space for you. Make informed decisions based on science, and not quackery!

Study findings have "substantial public health implications," researchers say by Mike Bassett

Excessive Cannabis use was associated with a higher risk of head and neck cancer (HNC), a large multicenter cohort study showed.

After matching for demographic characteristics, alcohol-related disorders, and tobacco use, patients with cannabis-related disorder had an increased risk of any HNC compared with those without cannabis-related disorder reported Niels C. Kokot, MD, of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and colleagues.

Moreover, a site-specific analysis showed that those with cannabis-related disorder had a higher risk of oral (RR 2.51, 95% CI 1.81-3.47), oropharyngeal (RR 4.90, 95% CI 2.99-8.02), and laryngeal (RR 8.39, 95% CI 4.72-14.90) cancers, they noted in JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery .

"The possibility of an association between cannabis use and HNC has substantial public health implications given that cannabis use is rising among young adults with trends toward legalization," wrote Kokot and colleagues. "Future studies should seek to use similarly large cohorts to analyze the association between cannabis use and HNC but can demonstrate additional strength of the association by using more thorough data on cannabis use, including dosage, frequency, and method of use."

In a commentary accompanying the study, Joseph Califano, MD, of the University of California San Diego, and colleagues, pointed out that the association between tobacco carcinogens and cancer was long suppressed by the tobacco industry. Thus, they suggested this study raises the question -- "are we repeating the same mistakes of the past we made with smoking, only now with marijuana and cannabis?"

"Given that cannabis is now a $20 billion industry in the U.S. alone with expanding availability, use, and popularity, this may be 'déjà vu, all over again' without appropriate research to understand the potential carcinogenic and salutatory effects of cannabis," they wrote. "Or, in the words of Yogi Berra, 'If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.'"

For this analysis, Kokot and colleagues used the U.S. Collaborative network to access 20 years of data from 64 healthcare organizations (accounting for more than 90 million individuals).

Higher risks were also observed for those ages 60 and older with cannabis-related disorder:

  • Any HNC
  • Laryngeal cancer
  • Oral cancer
  • Oropharyngeal cancer

Kokot and colleagues also found that when cases of HNC were limited to those occurring more than 1 year after a cannabis-related disorder diagnosis, many of the associations increased, "demonstrating additional strength in the association."

In cases occurring 5 or more years after a cannabis-related disorder diagnosis, those associations fell in magnitude, "although several of the associations, including between cannabis use and any HNC, oral cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, and laryngeal cancer, remained," they noted.

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